Coming Up For Air..


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It has been a very long time since I have posted on here…too long. The time has flown by these last few months and here I am in the summer of 2014, finally able to come up for air and catch my breath for a moment. I seriously feel like I have been running for the last few months with no break. Actually, in reality I have been! I started a new position at a private air travel company and have been working on-call 24/7 for the last few months. At first, I was ok with it, but after not having a break or a day off for MONTHS I had to step back. I feel so much better now that I have had some time to relax, and I am so happy I have the time to get back on here and write!

Another thing I want to make more time for is JAMBERRY! I am sure a lot of you have heard about it by now, since it is spreading quickly! Jamberry is a great business and so much fun! These nail wraps are seriously so much fun to use, and so easy! I will admit that the first two tries weren’t as easy as they are for me now, but that’s normal! After all, I wasn’t a pro the first time I tried painting my nails..or the second, or the third time. I really want to get involved in this business though, not only because I would like to make some extra cash, but because they are seriously the best nail product I have seen on the market!

I also finished my first semester back in college!! YAY! It was definitely a challenge to balance so many things at once (hence me not being on here and writing), but thankfully I made it through! I am studying at Ashworth College and although it can be frustrating learning solely online, I am grateful for the opportunity and determined to finally earn my college degree!

Well, that should catch you up on my life right about now. Those have been the major events of my life for the last couple months, but trust me, there will be more! Andrew will be getting his next assignment pretty soon, and we also have graduation coming in less than two months! I will try to write as much as I can in the midst of all this craziness, it helps me to stay encouraged and I hope my future posts will be an encouragement to others as well!images




-Yours Truly

Jams, Gym, and New Jobs!


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Wow, I did not realize how long it had been since my last post. So many great things have happened since then and I am excited to share them with you all!

First of all- I got a new job! I now work at a Private Jet company called “Nicholas Air.” They pretty much just found me (my resume was still online from this past summer) and e-mailed me for an interview. I felt like the Lord must have wanted me to have this job since it pretty much “fell into my lap.” The interview process went very smoothly (and quickly) and within a week I had a new job! This job has kept me very, very busy…but I am enjoying it 🙂

Secondly- I have been really motivated and excited with my progress in the gym. I just joined a group on Facebook with some great women who are all inspiring and encouraging each other to drink more water, eat healthy, and exercise. We all keep each other accountable and it has been great so far!

LASTLY: I AM A JAMBABY!!!! Haha, what does that mean? Well, I today I signed up as a Jamberry consultant. They are vinyl nail wraps that are unlike any other nail wrap out there! They last for two weeks, are better than a gel manicure, are easy to apply, and are very affordable! I was very skeptical of the product at first, but my sister won me over by sending me a sample and letting me try the product for myself. She walked me through the application process and I was totally won over! It’s safe to say that I am hooked now 🙂



Below is a link to my website, and you can also request to be added to my group on Facebook. If you want more information about the product and would like a sample, PLEASE join my group on Facebook! I would love to send you some samples so you can see for yourself how wonderful they are!

I hope you are all doing well and I look forward to sharing more with you regarding these awesome/new events of my life!in with the new

Happy Valentines Day! Even if you don’t like it :)


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Well, it is here! That overly-commercialized holiday full of sweets, treats, flowers, cards, jewelry, and anything else you can think of that would express a persons love! Yes, it is an extremely over-done, commercialized holiday; but it is fun! I realize not all people think so, but it can be an enjoyable day no matter what your situation or “relationship status” is.

I used to dislike this holiday when I was in high school. I thought it was ridiculous and all the red and pink just annoyed me. It took a few years until I realized the “perks” of the holiday. Also, it doesn’t just have to be about that “special someone” but about appreciating anyone important that is in your life!

So what are the perks? Well, for one there is TONS of chocolate! If you are a girl, chances are you enjoy chocolate. I absolutely love it, probably a little too much actually! The best part about there being so much chocolate, is that the day after V-day, IT’S ALL ON SALE!!!!!! YES! This is when I like to stock up.

Another great thing about this holiday is all the flowers. Flowers are gorgeous and I believe one of God’s most glorious creations! Even if you don’t have anyone to buy flowers for or you don’t have anyone to receive them from, you can still enjoy them! Go out and buy yourself a nice bouquet of flowers, make yourself a nice dinner, and then eat some yummy chocolate! I guarantee if you do this you will feel better about the holiday! Spoil yourself a little, and enjoy it!

Again, like I said before, this day does not have to be just about that “special someone.” Get together with a friend and have dinner and a movie! Go shopping, go to the park and have a picnic, stay in and watch Netflix while eating a whole box of chocolates, just enjoy time with a friend! I spent Valentines Day alone many times and I still had a good time. Even when I was in a relationship (with the man who is now my husband) we were apart for Valentines Day, and instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself I spent it with friends and had a great time.

Enjoy this special, over-commercialized holiday and take some time out of your busy life to spend time with people who you care about. You could spend some quality time with friends, family, or a significant other…or maybe just pamper yourself! The point- MAKE THE BEST OF IT AND ENJOY IT! ❤ Happy Valentines Day!


God is ALWAYS good, and God is ALWAYS right!


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Well, this week has brought many emotions with it! We started the week out excited and nervous for what our future may hold, and then we experienced a little disappointment. Ok, quite a bit of disappointment actually…but God is always good, and God is always right.

Andrew had his Track Select on Monday evening. In case some of you are wondering what “Track Select” is, I will explain. Track Select is kind of like a middle-point in pilot training where you literally find out what “Track you will be heading down.” Well, it makes more sense to me if you put it that way! 🙂 You find out whether or not you are going to fly “fighters/bombers” or “heavies” (heavies are either cargo planes or tankers). This decision is based on the grades from your academics and flights from the last six months, and peer reviews also come in to play when this decision is made.

Most guys usually want to go fighter/bombers, and the training aircraft for that is called the “T38.” Some people prefer to fly cargo/tankers and the training aircraft for that is the “T1.” Andrew started out pilot training wanting to get T38’s and his ultimate goal was to end up flying the A10 someday. It has always been his dream to fly the A10 and he worked very hard towards that dream. He was GREAT at formation flying (which is very important if you want to fly fighters) and actually received the formation “Top Gun” award! I am so very proud of him!

Although he did very well working up to Track Select, he did not receive a T38 slot. He was pretty disappointed, and I was upset for him as well. I am proud of him though, because I do know that he worked very hard and did very well! His class was a VERY  competitive class! The night of Track Select was pretty rough, considering how let down he was after finding out he would not be flying fighters. However, the next morning he was doing exceptionally better.

It took him a good nights rest and some praying, but we both know and claim the promise that “God is always good, and God is always right.” I think in some way, God may have been preparing Andrew for what He had planned for him. He told me that leading up to Track Select he was feeling torn between T1’s and T38’s- something I never imagined him saying!! He spoke to many people and knew that T1’s would be a better career option in the long run. Flying T1’s he will get more hours and have a better shot of flying for airlines, FedEx, private jet companies, etc. when he leaves the military. He still kind of wanted T38’s though, because he didn’t want to look back and regret not trying to be a fighter pilot and have “more fun.”

I truly believe God was preparing Andrew all along, or he wouldn’t have even considered the T1. I also believe that God put certain people in our path who would encourage Andrew and let him know about all the possibilities with the T1. It wasn’t what we were expecting, but we both know that God’s plan is always bigger and better than our own. I am excited to see what this next chapter in our lives will bring, and I will be thankful all the way because I know that God is ALWAYS good and God is ALWAYS right!

T1- Jayhawk

Wife Wars- Stay-at-home vs. Working!


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Okay, so this is sure to be a sensitive topic, but I think it is one that does need to be talked about more. I have spoke to many wives, those who choose to work and those who choose to stay at home. The mindset of these women are different for sure, but if it is just a difference of choice and opinion, why do we condemn each other?

The working wife may not understand why a woman would choose to stay at home all day instead of having a career; and the stay-at-home wife probably does not understand why a woman would choose to have a career instead of making her primary “job” keeping the home. No matter how much difficulty we have understanding each other, we need to make sure we are not condemning one another.

Although, I prefer working instead of staying home for the better part of the day, I can see things from both sides of the spectrum. I understand why women can be “fulfilled” by staying at home, and I can also understand how invigorating working a job can feel!

The Working Wife:

You work outside the home and help bring in extra income. Maybe you choose to work, or maybe you have to work. It is very admirable that you are in the workforce and contributing to your household income! Although you spend a good part of the day working at your job (away from home), do not forget that you have responsibilities at home as well. You may work, but when your husband married you he did so because he wanted a wife.

You have a role as a wife and it should be your honor, privilege, and desire to take care of your husband and your home. Today’s society has strayed so far away from the concept that wives are supposed to be the “keeper of the home.” I, personally, still believe that as wives our main responsibility is to take care of our home and husband. I also believe that our husband’s main responsibility is to provide for his family.

I understand that as a wife working outside the home, there are days that you come home completely exhausted. Some nights you may just want to order pizza and call it a night, go for it! I have done that a few times too! All I am saying is, that kind of behavior should not be the “norm.” You may also need to ask your husband to help you out sometimes and lend you a hand, that is totally understandable. Just remember that the home is still your responsibility and you are to take pride in it. Your husband can and should help you if he is able to; but just like he should be the main provider, you should be the main “keeper of the home.”

Also, just because you are a working wife does not mean that the “stay-at-home” wife does not deserve your respect, she is working hard as well! She may have a different role than you, but that does not mean that she is not working hard. Do not let a stay-at-home wife make you feel bad for working outside the home, and do not try to make her feel bad because she does not. Neither of you contribute any less!

The Stay-at-home Wife:

If you are the stay-at-home wife, you have chosen or have been given the option to stay at home. You may not enjoy working or having a career, and your desire has always been to be a wife and mother one day. That is great!

As a stay-at-home wife, many people think that you get a free pass to just sit around and watch Netflix all day, but I know that is not the case. My own mom was a stay-at-home wife/ mother and I rarely ever saw her just sitting in front of the TV! She was constantly on the go whether it was running errands, grocery shopping, cooking, going to dentist appointments, or driving us to various sport and instrument practices- she was always on the move.

Many stay-at-home wives spend their time baking, cooking, cleaning, sewing, decorating, etc. They try to do anything and everything they can to make their home appealing and their husbands proud. The wife who stays at home has more time to make sure that her husband will be coming back to a comfortable “refuge,” and he will be able to relax and recoup before heading back to work the next day.

If you are a stay at home wife, try to make sure you are doing these things and making the best of the situation you have been blessed with. There are many women who would love the option to stay at home, but sadly they are unable to. They would love to spend all day making their homes look beautiful and create amazing dinners to please their husband with. Yes, I know that even the stay-at-home mom can be extraordinarily busy! I understand that you have many errands to run and places to go, but learn to prioritize and try to make your husband and home your first priority! Again, I do believe that is your role as a wife.

Also, just because you have chosen to stay home as opposed to working outside the home, does not make you any better of a person or any less of a person. You were given the opportunity to stay at home and now you should make the best of it! Remember that you chose to make “keeping the home” your main job and now you need to do your best to excel at it! Do not let others make you feel guilty for your choice, and do not try to make other wives feel guilty about their difference in choice.

Both wives are going to be busy, but they should both have the same goal in mind! They should strive to be the best “keepers of home” they can be no matter how busy they are, or what career choices they have made. When our spouses see us doing our best, they will also do their best to be great “providers” for us.

As wives, please remember not to cut each other down. We should all have the same goal in mind and should support one another no matter what our differences may be!

love one another

A Proverb for the Day!


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Don’t you just love it when God gives you a great thought for the day, and an important lesson from his Word? It feels like He is just speaking right to me sometimes and it is truly amazing! I was reading this morning in Proverbs and it was EXACTLY what I needed right now! I would like to share it with you in hopes that maybe it will help you the same way that it helped me.

Proverbs 24:29

Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.

Judgement is in God’s hands, not our own and we should not try to take the matter  of retaliation into our own hands- no matter how right we may feel in so doing.

How many times has someone hurt you or wronged you? I am sure there have been many times that you can call to memory in just a few short moments. Ok, let me as you this- How many times have you wronged someone? Yeah, that question hurts a little huh? As much as I hate to admit it, I know that I have wrongfully hurt people before, and have done and said things that later I regret. I am not proud of that fact at all, but the truth is we are human! We make mistakes- all of us!

Yes, sometimes people may hurt us and wrong us, but rather than retaliate, we need to pray for them. Prayer is a strong tool and we should use it! Pray that God will touch their hearts and show them to do better. Pray that he will bring to their attention that maybe they were in the wrong, or acting unfairly. This will bring way more peace than just treating someone “the way they treated you-poorly.”

We also need to pray that God will touch our own hearts so that we can live as examples of His grace, and no matter what, treat others with kindness and respect. We should pray that even if that person who hurt us never apologizes or tries to make things right, we will have a forgiving heart and not let bitterness take root inside us.

I am not saying this is easy, but it is what the Bible tells us to do. We are not to recompense evil for evil or wrong for wrong. We are supposed to be living examples of God’s love and grace. This will ultimately help you to be come a better person.

Have a great day! 🙂

Friends- What kind are you?


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First of all, as I write this blog I want to tell you all that this was meant for ME. I did a lot of self examining recently and I wanted to make sure I was being ,and will continue to strive to be, the right kind of friend. While I was “examining myself” and the kind of friend I am, I decided that maybe someone else out there needed to think of the same things and ask themselves some of the same questions. So, here it is!

What kind of friend are you?

1. The Convenient Friend- You spend time with certain friends only when it is convenient for you, mostly when you have nothing better to do or no one “better” to hang out with. When you are bored out of your mind and sitting at home twiddling your thumbs, THAT is when you decide to call up your friend and ask them to hang out. You have little regard for what they have been doing or what they may have going on. Their main purpose is to entertain you and right now is the opportune time (since you have nothing else to do).

Maybe, this is the friend you call when you are having a problem because you know he/she will always help you work through it. After they “fix” your problem, you probably will not talk to them until the next problem arises. That’s what they are there for right? Of course you do not have any time to hear what problems they may be facing or trials they have gone through since you last talked; that wouldn’t be a convenient way to spend your time would it?

Are you this kind of friend? Do you only call up or text certain friends when you have nothing better to do? Or when you need someone to listen to your problems? Is your sole purpose for hanging out with them to entertain yourself and blow some time? OR do you genuinely want to see/ talk to this person and find out how they are doing? Ask yourself those questions and carefully think of the TRUE answer…no matter how hard that may be to admit.

2. The Busy Friend- This friend may seem a little like the “convenient friend”, but the main difference is that this person truly does care about her friends, she just has trouble making the time for them. This friend gets so caught up in the hustle and bustle of their every day life that they end up neglecting their friends because they don’t “make” time, or specifically set apart time to catch up with their friends.

The busy friend is genuinely happy when they make time to see their friend! They are content to just sit and hear all about what is going on in their friend’s life. They spend quality time talking and catching up with one another and do not have to be doing something that may be “entertaining.” The company of their friend is what is really important to this person. Yes, the “busy friend” should focus on “making time” for their friends and strive to do a better job of keeping in touch. That is something to work on this year and they should try to make it a “life change.” We should never become too busy for some good, quality, friend time!

Do you get too caught up in the hustle of life that you forget to communicate and spend time with your friends? Start making it a point to have “friend time” once a week or maybe once every other week. Also, make a point to keep in touch even if it is a quick text letting them know you are thinking of them!

3. The Clingy Friend- This friend is the one who does not know how to spend time alone and may have a little bit of social insecurity. They show up at your doorstep every day (sometimes multiple times) and do not know when it is time to leave. This friend hates having alone time, and they will substitute alone time for time with YOU! You are the one they have chosen to spend ALL their free time with. They probably struggle with getting things done around the house and keeping up with simple chores. They want you to be involved in everything that they are involved in and go everywhere they go.

They prefer to spend time with you “alone”- which means they do not want you to have any other friends, not close friends anyway. This is also the friend you just cannot say no too, because you feel too guilty to hurt their feelings! After all, you are the only close friend they have.

Are you this kind of friend? Do you find one person and then just cling to them? Do you get upset when they have other friends around or want to participate in a group activity instead of just one-on-one time? Are you constantly at this your friend’s house? Is your home in a mess because you’re too busy spending time with your friend to take care of it? Let’s hope not! If so, try to limit your “friend time” and start finding new things to do that you enjoy doing ALONE!

4. The Jealous Friend- This friend is similar to the “clingy friend” in some aspects. The difference with these two is that the Jealous Friend does not necessarily mind being alone. They enjoy spending time with their friends (mostly just “friend”-singular, just one lol) but they do not always need to be with them. Although they do not stick to their friend’s side like glue, they do not want anyone else spending time with them either. If they know that their friend is spending time with someone else there are two ways they may react.

1. They either give their friend the cold shoulder or act in a similar childish way. They may also act as though they are too busy to hang out the next time their friend calls them up.

2. They may go out of their way to do something really nice for you, or buy you something to show how much they appreciate you. They want to win your affection and friendship however possible and want you to know that they are the better friend.

Both of these reactions are ridiculous! Are you this kind of friend? Do you get angry when you find out that instead of spending time with you, your friend is spending time with someone else? Do you react in either of those two ways when you find out? If so, STOP BEING SO INSECURE! Make new friends! Learn to be confident in your friendship!! You don’t need to pick just one friend and then spend ALL your time with that one person. Branch out and learn to have more than one friend, then maybe you will understand why your “one friend” spends time with other people also.

Needless to say, if you are any of these (or maybe just a little bit like any of them) then you have some work to do. When I say that, I am saying it to myself also. These kind of friends are NOT good friends.

I know that I am mostly guilty of the “busy friend syndrome” if you wanna call it that. I get so caught up doing my own thing and trying to get everything done all at once, that I forget I need to make friend time!

Try to examine yourself a little and see what you can do to be a better friend. Whether it is working on your insecurity, your selfishness, or your time management- if you identify these faults and work on them, I guarantee you will have more successful and rewarding friendships.

Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain. Happy 2014!


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Have you ever known the kind of people who just seem to LOVE talking about how much money they make? There are some people who tell you all about the bonus that they are receiving this month, and the monthly salary they will receive on top of that. They also want to tell you how much extra cash they have to just throw away on material things and how many times they can go out to eat this month without “breaking the bank.” You don’t hate the fact that they are doing well, you’re happy for them; but is there a tiny part of you that wishes they would keep all that info to themselves? I mean, is it really necessary for them to tell you how well off they are? Do you really need to know how much they make an hour, month, or year? No.

Then you have those friends who are constantly telling you about how rough they have it and how they wish they could just make a little bit more so they wouldn’t be living from paycheck to paycheck. Maybe then they would have some extra cash to take their spouse or kids out for dinner every now and then. All their complaining makes you feel guilty about the dinner you shared with your husband out at your favorite restaurant last weekend, so you stop telling them anything about your personal life just so you don’t make them feel any worse. You no longer tell them about the awesome sale on shoes you found a few days ago, and you can’t even invite them out to lunch without feeling like you need to pay for it!

I know many people who could be categorized into one of those two categories, and after thinking about it for a little while I asked myself “Am I one of those friends?’. I sure hope not!

Everyone has new years resolutions about losing weight, making more money, finding a better job, becoming a healthier person, saving more and spending less, etc, etc. My ultimate goal for this year? To be content. My desire this year is to be happy and content with what God has given me. Now, that does not mean that I have no other goals and do not want to better myself. Of course I want to be healthier and pursue school and career goals as well, but my ultimate goal is to be content with whatever God has and will give me this year.

I do not want to be one of those friends who people dread sharing good news with. I want people to be able to share news about their raise or promotions and I don’t want people to feel intimidated to be around me because I might make more than they do (though I doubt I make more than many others haha). I want others to see how thankful I am for how the Lord has blessed me and I want to be a blessing to them as well. My husband and I may not have riches beyond compare or nice fancy things, but God always blesses and provides for us no matter what.


You want to know how I know God is in control and taking care of us? This is so neat- We have a money tracking system through our bank, and the “money out” is ALWAYS greater than “money in”, yet somehow we always still have money in our account! Also, we have built our savings quite well! How is that possible? God. He is so good to us and ALWAYS takes care of us! I want to be constantly and continually thankful for His provision.

I have gotten in the bad habit this past year of always wanting MORE, MORE, MORE; but I do not want to do that this year! I want to be thankful for what I have, and instead focus on being a wise steward of all He has given us. I want to be more responsible and grateful with my finances. I want to make my husband proud of the wife that he has chosen by making the most of what he brings home, and also giving back to the God that so richly blesses us. This is my goal for the new year!


Ps: If you do have those friends who are struggling just to make ends meet, be understanding. I know it can be frustrating hearing about all their financial struggles and woes, but try doing things with them that does not require spending money. Invite them over for coffee instead of out, or to your house for lunch instead of at a restaurant. They will appreciate this more than you know, and then you may not have to hear about their finances because they won’t be so stressed about them 🙂

Now we are BOTH in training…well, sorta. :)


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Wow, am I out of practice when it comes to studying and learning!

I recently started classes for Health Care Administration- online. I am studying through Ashworth College and it is very easy to navigate the site and access the material thankfully! Although everything is pretty easy to access, my trouble is that I am so out of the practice of studying and really working at remembering terms and definitions. It is taking me twice as long to grasp things as it used to! I literally spent FOUR hours typing notes and studying them yesterday! Then, when I took my test for that week’s lesson, I got a “B”! I am NOT a B student, so this was quite upsetting. I pretty much fumed the rest of the night haha

My poor husband suffered the brunt of my bad mood, poor guy. After a little while, I remembered that he had studying of his own to do (pilot training stuff-way harder than my studies) so I left him alone and went to sulk by myself. It made me realize that I am really going to have to apply myself while working to obtain this degree. It also made me appreciate all the hard work my husband is putting into pilot training everyday!

My husband has been in training for about 6 months now and there is not a day that goes by without him studying. He is so dedicated, focused, and hard-working! I know that this is his dream and he is doing everything he can to achieve it, and he is also providing for our family in the meantime. He never complains about the stress or pressures that come with the job either, which is absolutely incredible in my opinion. I am so proud and thankful for the wonderful husband God gave me.

Oh and to beat it all, he was even trying to help me last night when I was doing my classwork! I know with his support and a little more effort, I will be able to successfully make it through this degree program!

I want to be remembered as the girl who shared smiles!


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Do you ever stop and examine yourself and wonder, “Am I a sweet person? Am I nice to others that I come in contact with? Do I make people smile? Am I making the world a better place?”

Lately, I have asked myself these questions and wondered how people see me lately and how I am affecting others. I wonder if I am a positive influence on others and if I am doing all that I can to bring joy to those around me. I believe that as women, we have a HUGE influence on the people around us. Our attitudes affect so many people other than ourselves and can either brighten or darken someone’s day rather quickly.

Today’s society no longer promotes or encourages a giving and sweet spirit in women. We are taught to do whatever we can to get ahead and to never be satisfied with the things that we have. We are encouraged to always want more and to constantly strive for our OWN happiness. Is this really beneficial for ourselves and the ones we love? I have to admit, many times I fall guilty of the selfish nature of this world and I hate that!

I do not want to be remembered as the selfish wife who lived only to please herself, even if that means having all the material possessions one can ever want. I would rather be remembered as the kind and caring wife who sacrificed her own time, desires, and cares of the world and did everything she could to make the world a brighter, happier place. Especially speaking to my fellow military wives- this should be all of our desires. Our husbands need us to be kind and caring women who support and love them no matter what the cost!


Below are a few questions to ask yourself that can help your overall attitude and teach you to be a more giving and encouraging person (trust me I am asking myself the same ones).

1. When I wake up in the morning am I thankful for another day that God has given me?- Or am I mad because I have to get up and work, make breakfast for my husband, get kids ready for school, clean the kitchen, etc? Start the morning with a positive and thankful attitude. Determine that you are going to be thankful today! You will be shocked how much better your day will be!

2. Did I tell my husband/family that I love them today? – Showing your love (even just verbally) can brighten someone’s day AND will make you feel better too!

3. Have I smiled today?- This one sounds dumb, but it is HUGE! Do you know how many people you can encourage with a smile?? Try it! I guarantee you will not be sorry, PLUS it makes you feel better too! 🙂smiling

4. Did I take time to do something thoughtful for someone else or put another person’s needs before my own this week or in the last couple days?- Giving of your time is a huge way to show someone else that you appreciate them. It is a very encouraging thing to do! It is important for others (family, friends, spouses, even strangers) to see that they are important enough to us, that we will take time out of our busy schedules to encourage or help them.

5. Did I spend more time worrying today than I did being thankful?- I am SO guilty of this one it isn’t even funny. I spend so much time worrying about finances, what we are going to eat for dinner, what things I need to buy, the errands I have to run, and a million more things! Instead of constantly worrying and dwelling on the stress of this life we should spend time counting our blessings. Just try it and see how quickly your attitude will turn around!

6. Did I take any time to just enjoy the earth and sky around me?- This may sound silly, but honestly it is proven to be a very good stress reliever! Even if it is raining outside, find something beautiful to be thankful for. If you really try, I guarantee you can. Even if it is just being thankful for air! haha 🙂 It will help to relax you and possibly turn your attitude around, which in turn could help you be a blessing to those around you.road

7. Did I go to bed thanking God for all that he has done?- Yes, starting and ending your day with a thankful heart is important. A thankful heart is a happy heart. I believe we need to do our best to be thankful, no matter what has happened throughout the day. When we strive to be thankful, we will in turn be naturally more happy.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be a blessing to others. I want my husband to WANT to come home to me every night and be thankful that I am his wife. I may fail sometimes and I may not be very good at it, but I want to be the person who brings joy to others and makes their day just a little bit brighter. I want to be remembered as the girl who shared smiles!
