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Do you ever stop and examine yourself and wonder, “Am I a sweet person? Am I nice to others that I come in contact with? Do I make people smile? Am I making the world a better place?”

Lately, I have asked myself these questions and wondered how people see me lately and how I am affecting others. I wonder if I am a positive influence on others and if I am doing all that I can to bring joy to those around me. I believe that as women, we have a HUGE influence on the people around us. Our attitudes affect so many people other than ourselves and can either brighten or darken someone’s day rather quickly.

Today’s society no longer promotes or encourages a giving and sweet spirit in women. We are taught to do whatever we can to get ahead and to never be satisfied with the things that we have. We are encouraged to always want more and to constantly strive for our OWN happiness. Is this really beneficial for ourselves and the ones we love? I have to admit, many times I fall guilty of the selfish nature of this world and I hate that!

I do not want to be remembered as the selfish wife who lived only to please herself, even if that means having all the material possessions one can ever want. I would rather be remembered as the kind and caring wife who sacrificed her own time, desires, and cares of the world and did everything she could to make the world a brighter, happier place. Especially speaking to my fellow military wives- this should be all of our desires. Our husbands need us to be kind and caring women who support and love them no matter what the cost!


Below are a few questions to ask yourself that can help your overall attitude and teach you to be a more giving and encouraging person (trust me I am asking myself the same ones).

1. When I wake up in the morning am I thankful for another day that God has given me?- Or am I mad because I have to get up and work, make breakfast for my husband, get kids ready for school, clean the kitchen, etc? Start the morning with a positive and thankful attitude. Determine that you are going to be thankful today! You will be shocked how much better your day will be!

2. Did I tell my husband/family that I love them today? – Showing your love (even just verbally) can brighten someone’s day AND will make you feel better too!

3. Have I smiled today?- This one sounds dumb, but it is HUGE! Do you know how many people you can encourage with a smile?? Try it! I guarantee you will not be sorry, PLUS it makes you feel better too! 🙂smiling

4. Did I take time to do something thoughtful for someone else or put another person’s needs before my own this week or in the last couple days?- Giving of your time is a huge way to show someone else that you appreciate them. It is a very encouraging thing to do! It is important for others (family, friends, spouses, even strangers) to see that they are important enough to us, that we will take time out of our busy schedules to encourage or help them.

5. Did I spend more time worrying today than I did being thankful?- I am SO guilty of this one it isn’t even funny. I spend so much time worrying about finances, what we are going to eat for dinner, what things I need to buy, the errands I have to run, and a million more things! Instead of constantly worrying and dwelling on the stress of this life we should spend time counting our blessings. Just try it and see how quickly your attitude will turn around!

6. Did I take any time to just enjoy the earth and sky around me?- This may sound silly, but honestly it is proven to be a very good stress reliever! Even if it is raining outside, find something beautiful to be thankful for. If you really try, I guarantee you can. Even if it is just being thankful for air! haha 🙂 It will help to relax you and possibly turn your attitude around, which in turn could help you be a blessing to those around you.road

7. Did I go to bed thanking God for all that he has done?- Yes, starting and ending your day with a thankful heart is important. A thankful heart is a happy heart. I believe we need to do our best to be thankful, no matter what has happened throughout the day. When we strive to be thankful, we will in turn be naturally more happy.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be a blessing to others. I want my husband to WANT to come home to me every night and be thankful that I am his wife. I may fail sometimes and I may not be very good at it, but I want to be the person who brings joy to others and makes their day just a little bit brighter. I want to be remembered as the girl who shared smiles!
