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Well, this week has brought many emotions with it! We started the week out excited and nervous for what our future may hold, and then we experienced a little disappointment. Ok, quite a bit of disappointment actually…but God is always good, and God is always right.

Andrew had his Track Select on Monday evening. In case some of you are wondering what “Track Select” is, I will explain. Track Select is kind of like a middle-point in pilot training where you literally find out what “Track you will be heading down.” Well, it makes more sense to me if you put it that way! 🙂 You find out whether or not you are going to fly “fighters/bombers” or “heavies” (heavies are either cargo planes or tankers). This decision is based on the grades from your academics and flights from the last six months, and peer reviews also come in to play when this decision is made.

Most guys usually want to go fighter/bombers, and the training aircraft for that is called the “T38.” Some people prefer to fly cargo/tankers and the training aircraft for that is the “T1.” Andrew started out pilot training wanting to get T38’s and his ultimate goal was to end up flying the A10 someday. It has always been his dream to fly the A10 and he worked very hard towards that dream. He was GREAT at formation flying (which is very important if you want to fly fighters) and actually received the formation “Top Gun” award! I am so very proud of him!

Although he did very well working up to Track Select, he did not receive a T38 slot. He was pretty disappointed, and I was upset for him as well. I am proud of him though, because I do know that he worked very hard and did very well! His class was a VERY  competitive class! The night of Track Select was pretty rough, considering how let down he was after finding out he would not be flying fighters. However, the next morning he was doing exceptionally better.

It took him a good nights rest and some praying, but we both know and claim the promise that “God is always good, and God is always right.” I think in some way, God may have been preparing Andrew for what He had planned for him. He told me that leading up to Track Select he was feeling torn between T1’s and T38’s- something I never imagined him saying!! He spoke to many people and knew that T1’s would be a better career option in the long run. Flying T1’s he will get more hours and have a better shot of flying for airlines, FedEx, private jet companies, etc. when he leaves the military. He still kind of wanted T38’s though, because he didn’t want to look back and regret not trying to be a fighter pilot and have “more fun.”

I truly believe God was preparing Andrew all along, or he wouldn’t have even considered the T1. I also believe that God put certain people in our path who would encourage Andrew and let him know about all the possibilities with the T1. It wasn’t what we were expecting, but we both know that God’s plan is always bigger and better than our own. I am excited to see what this next chapter in our lives will bring, and I will be thankful all the way because I know that God is ALWAYS good and God is ALWAYS right!

T1- Jayhawk