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Have you ever known the kind of people who just seem to LOVE talking about how much money they make? There are some people who tell you all about the bonus that they are receiving this month, and the monthly salary they will receive on top of that. They also want to tell you how much extra cash they have to just throw away on material things and how many times they can go out to eat this month without “breaking the bank.” You don’t hate the fact that they are doing well, you’re happy for them; but is there a tiny part of you that wishes they would keep all that info to themselves? I mean, is it really necessary for them to tell you how well off they are? Do you really need to know how much they make an hour, month, or year? No.

Then you have those friends who are constantly telling you about how rough they have it and how they wish they could just make a little bit more so they wouldn’t be living from paycheck to paycheck. Maybe then they would have some extra cash to take their spouse or kids out for dinner every now and then. All their complaining makes you feel guilty about the dinner you shared with your husband out at your favorite restaurant last weekend, so you stop telling them anything about your personal life just so you don’t make them feel any worse. You no longer tell them about the awesome sale on shoes you found a few days ago, and you can’t even invite them out to lunch without feeling like you need to pay for it!

I know many people who could be categorized into one of those two categories, and after thinking about it for a little while I asked myself “Am I one of those friends?’. I sure hope not!

Everyone has new years resolutions about losing weight, making more money, finding a better job, becoming a healthier person, saving more and spending less, etc, etc. My ultimate goal for this year? To be content. My desire this year is to be happy and content with what God has given me. Now, that does not mean that I have no other goals and do not want to better myself. Of course I want to be healthier and pursue school and career goals as well, but my ultimate goal is to be content with whatever God has and will give me this year.

I do not want to be one of those friends who people dread sharing good news with. I want people to be able to share news about their raise or promotions and I don’t want people to feel intimidated to be around me because I might make more than they do (though I doubt I make more than many others haha). I want others to see how thankful I am for how the Lord has blessed me and I want to be a blessing to them as well. My husband and I may not have riches beyond compare or nice fancy things, but God always blesses and provides for us no matter what.


You want to know how I know God is in control and taking care of us? This is so neat- We have a money tracking system through our bank, and the “money out” is ALWAYS greater than “money in”, yet somehow we always still have money in our account! Also, we have built our savings quite well! How is that possible? God. He is so good to us and ALWAYS takes care of us! I want to be constantly and continually thankful for His provision.

I have gotten in the bad habit this past year of always wanting MORE, MORE, MORE; but I do not want to do that this year! I want to be thankful for what I have, and instead focus on being a wise steward of all He has given us. I want to be more responsible and grateful with my finances. I want to make my husband proud of the wife that he has chosen by making the most of what he brings home, and also giving back to the God that so richly blesses us. This is my goal for the new year!


Ps: If you do have those friends who are struggling just to make ends meet, be understanding. I know it can be frustrating hearing about all their financial struggles and woes, but try doing things with them that does not require spending money. Invite them over for coffee instead of out, or to your house for lunch instead of at a restaurant. They will appreciate this more than you know, and then you may not have to hear about their finances because they won’t be so stressed about them 🙂